What is the biggest mistake we make when shaving?
The biggest mistake we make when shaving is that we change the blade too rarely. The blades get bad and so does the shave. The reason why we use the blades for too long is often that people forget to buy new ones. We solve this problem for you!
With our subscription, you get the razor blades directly to your mailbox with free shipping. The only thing you need to do is choose how often you want new blades. No long binding time that costs the shirt.

If I change my mind then?
Of course we understand that you can change your mind. Therefore, you can end, pause or adjust your subscription whenever you want. No hard feelings. We want to make it easy and smooth for you. Sounds good?!

Sounds great, but how often do I need new blades?
It can be hard to know. It all depends on how often and where you shave. If you shave both your face, beard and body, you obviously need to change more often. If you shave your beard once a week, you don't need to change it as often.
Therefore, you can easily adjust or change it yourself. We call that a life hack.